
When In Rome: Bold as Love

November 12, 2023 • Peter Bird • 2 Corinthians 11:23–33, Romans 8:28–39, Ecclesiastes 1:8, Romans 8:15–18

Here are some questions to help you process this message and apply it to your life:

1. What do you think of the idea that suffering persecution should be an expected part of following Jesus? Is that something you’ve been told about Christianity? Have you experienced it yourself?

2. Think about all the suffering Paul went through in order to follow Jesus and grow the early church. How do you think he was able to keep going, even through all the terrible things that happened?

3. What was your understanding of the word “glory" before and after the message? Did it change? If so, how?

4. In the message we were asked, “What is it at the end of the day, at the end of your life, that’s going to cause you to look back and think, having this was worth going through all of that?” How would/will you answer this question?

5. What do you think it says about God’s love, and how we’re to follow him in showing that love to others, that he was willing to go through suffering in order to save us?

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