
(Part 6) "Physical training is good, but..."

1 Timothy Chapter 4 Series on Godly Value

September 8, 2024 • Pastor Branden • 1 Timothy 4:12, Psalm 12, 1 Timothy 1:3–11, 1 John 3, Psalm 51:10

“If we were to put as much energy into our spiritual life as an athlete does into their training for a temporary competition, we will grow and accomplish much for God and His Kingdom.”

After our sermon a couple weeks ago about “going deeper”, there was an evident need for a series on 1 Timothy chapter 4 on how to practically “go deeper” and have a foundational Christ-like mindset through the Biblical Christian habits that Paul instructed to Timothy as he trained him up to have a Christ minded ministry. 

The goal in this series is to understand the “Godly Values” that Paul gives to Timothy as we try to continue to shape that same Christ-like mindset in our own lives as we chose to have a deep relationship with God today.

In todays sermon we look at the next Godly Value that Paul tells Timothy to be an example of in 1 Timothy 4:12, “an example of purity. Just like all of us, if asked, would prefer to eat off of clean plates and clean silverware instead of plates and utensils with yesterday’s leftovers coated on them, we should prefer to have pure, clean spiritual lives. Living pure, undefiled, and uncontaminated lives is extremely important in this present evil world. It is possible to live a clean life in a corrupt world, just as much as it is possible for a salmon completely submersed in salt water its whole life to still need salt on it when you eat it. None of us are perfect and everyday we won’t be masters at doing everything in purity, but it is possible to have it a goal in our daily lives. God can protect us from the corruption of this evil world as we be examples of purity through repentance and the blood of Jesus to other believers as well as our sphere of influence. 


-Create in me a clean heart: Psalm 51:10/Matthew 5:8

-Walk it Out: James 1:27