
Good News: A Study of Galatians

Aired May-July 2020

Shout it Out with Slam Effect Part 3

July 21, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Paul lived his life FULLY devoted to the calling Jesus had placed on his heart. He suffered, he struggled, he desired all those he’d met to truly know and trust Jesus. He gave his entire life to make sure as many as possible knew the absolute truth about the gospel. Today, Pastor Bill will challenge you to examine your life. Is there evidence that you follow and love Jesus? Are you willing to follow and obey Jesus in whatever he calls you to in order that others may come to know Jesus and his good news?

Shout it Out with Slam Effect Part 2

July 20, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Before you knew Christ, perhaps you recognize just how broken your life was. There was pride, selfishness, unease and sin. Yet, the moment you believe, Christ promised his peace and mercy to any who would walk in faith in Him. As Pastor Bill explains today, Christ begins to change who you are. He makes you a new creation. Old desires and sins begin to leave and you begin to live a new life, focused on God in your growing faith. You receive mercy you don’t deserve and the peace of knowing you’re right with God because of Jesus.

Shout It Out With Slam Effect Part 1

July 17, 2020 • Bill Gehm

A very real threat to the early church in Galatia was the super religious people trying to gain status or make a good showing by inducing followers to obey certain standards of religion. The motivation of their heart was wicked. It was not focused on God, though they claimed to believe in Jesus. Today Pastor Bill will cause you to check your heart motivation in your service to God. Do you simply focus on reaching a high number of conversion to brag about that? Or do you boast in Jesus, his life and sacrifice, and his amazing power in you?

Loving Church…Living Together - Part 6

July 16, 2020 • Bill Gehm

As God works on sanctifying you to become more like Jesus, he will grow in you a desire to be a part of the work of God. He will increase your generosity and willingness to give in order to grow a harvest of believers. Today, Pastor Bill will encourage you to plant the word of salvation – tell others of Jesus and his grace. If you tell the gospel to others and support others who do that, you are sewing good seed that will produce believers. Don’t grow weary in the work, God will bring fruit in His time.

Loving Church…Living Together - Part 5

July 15, 2020 • Bill Gehm

In the bible you are called to be generous with your time, gifts and abilities. That is a marker that you are part of the family of God – desire and willingness to be generous. Pastor Bill will challenge you today to be supportive of the teacher of the word of God. Do what you can to support him, encourage him and enable him to do what God has called him to. Be generous, because by supporting this person, you are a partner with him in obedience to teach the word. And you will help grow many disciples.

Loving Church…Living Together - Part 4

July 14, 2020 • Bill Gehm

If you are a believer in Christ, you are united to other believers not simply by mutual belief. You are, as Pastor Bill points out today, family. All believers are justified and made right with God through Jesus. That belief causes you to be a child of God. All believers united through Jesus’ blood are heirs with God and all are children of God. This unity happens by the power of the Holy Spirit with in you. You need daily intentionality to call upon the spirit to help you love, serve, restore and carry the burden of your brother.

Loving Church…Living Life Together Part 3

July 13, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Sometimes you have heavy burdens that you just can’t seem to bear. The beauty of the body of Christ, Pastor Bill will remind you today, is that it provides others to help carry the heavy burdens. Yes, others can carry your burdens, but Jesus asks you to do this for your brother as well. You’re not saved to sit and wait for Heaven but to be a part of his body, the church. You’re vital to Jesus and the work he has for you. Do the work He’s called you to, and when things get too heavy, allow others to help you.

Loving Church...Living Life Together Part 2

July 10, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Fighting sin alone is impossible. Your flesh is too weak. You need the Holy Spirit to fight in you. God has also given you the body, the family of Christ to help you fight as well. Today, Pastor Bill will explain the need for the accountability and encouragement from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. God doesn’t call you to ignore sin in others to avoid confrontation. Nor does he call you destroy those who sin. Instead, you are called to, with the help of the spirit, restore a sinner gently back to God.

Loving Church...Living Life Together Part 1

July 9, 2020 • Bill Gehm

God calls us to love each other in the Church. He has given you grace, forgiveness and freedom from sin. He calls you to live in this freedom, not for yourself, but to love and serve the body of Christ. And today, Pastor Bill will remind you that the Church, the body of Christ, is bigger than your local congregation. The fruit of your salvation is the desire to know and be around God and fellow believers. Those who have the word of God and seek to obey it are all family. Your family in Christ spans the world and is united by Christ.

Follow the Leader Part 3

July 8, 2020 • Bill Gehm

If you are saved by grace through faith in Christ, God’s grace begins to change you and transform your heart and life. Yes, you will still battle the flesh every day, but gradually, you begin to exhibit more and more fruit of the spirit. Today, Pastor Bill will explain a bit about the evidence of the spirit in your life. If you cooperate with the work the spirit is doing in your life, you will be changed. Everything the Lord does in and through you are not dependent on the circumstances of life, but on His incredible power. That’s worth praising him for!

Follow the Leader Part 2

July 7, 2020 • Bill Gehm

There are many ways you can be led astray by the flesh – your human nature. And in order to walk more with the Holy Spirit, it’s important to understand how the sinful flesh tries to work in your life. In all areas, the flesh leads you away from God toward emptiness and despair. Today, Pastor Bill will encourage you to recognize what may be pulling you away from God. The Holy Spirit will never lead you into sin. If idols, desires, terrible personality traits, and vices lead your life, you must decide if you even have the saving Spirit in you.

Follow the Leader Part 1

July 6, 2020 • Bill Gehm

There are two forces battling within you if you’re a believer in Jesus. The flesh tries to battle with the Holy Spirit in you to guide and control your life. The sinful nature within you leads you to everything that’s contrary to God. But, as Pastor Bill will explain today if you chose to walk in the spirit, letting the Holy Spirit guide you, your fleshly desires fade. So, pray daily to have the Holy Spirit guide you. The spirit is the great teacher, equipper and helper. He will guide you according to God’s will.

Walking in the Spirit Part 2

July 3, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Is there any sin you’re allowing to remain in your life because you know that God is gracious? Maybe it’s not something you do every day, but it’s there and you’re not really fighting it. You’re right to believe that God’s grace is enough to cover up your failings – but don’t make that an excuse to stop fighting it. As Pastor Bill will challenge us in today’s message, sin not only robs you of the intimacy and freedom that Christ wants for you, but it also leads others into sin and away from intimacy with God.

Walking In The Spirit Part 1

July 2, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Are you living in the Holy Spirit? If you happen to be driving a car right now, does your attitude towards other drivers reflect the fruits of the Spirit? You might make the excuse that no one else can hear you, so it’s harmless. That’s not true. As Pastor Bill will remind us, we are always in the presence of the Holy Spirit, whether we acknowledge Him or not. And to allow anger, bitterness or any other attitude or behavior that contradicts His love is to allow our flesh to win over the Spirit.

Excuse Me. You Have a Big Fish Stuck in Your Throat! Part 3

July 1, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Under Christ you’re not obligated to the Law. In fact, the law has never brought salvation for anyone. It simply was given to direct us to our need for God and to give us a clear picture of just how far our rebellion has taken us from Him. As Pastor Bill will point out in today’s message, if you’re going to keep the law – which is a good thing – just make sure your heart knows where it’s salvation truly lies. Keeping the law should only be done out of gratitude for God’s grace and a desire to honor Him.