
Loving Church...Living Life Together Part 2

Galatians 6:1-15

July 10, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Fighting sin alone is impossible. Your flesh is too weak. You need the Holy Spirit to fight in you. God has also given you the body, the family of Christ to help you fight as well. Today, Pastor Bill will explain the need for the accountability and encouragement from fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. God doesn’t call you to ignore sin in others to avoid confrontation. Nor does he call you destroy those who sin. Instead, you are called to, with the help of the spirit, restore a sinner gently back to God.

Shout it Out with Slam Effect Part 3

July 21, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Paul lived his life FULLY devoted to the calling Jesus had placed on his heart. He suffered, he struggled, he desired all those he’d met to truly know and trust Jesus. He gave his entire life to make sure as many as possible knew the absolute truth about the gospel. Today, Pastor Bill will challenge you to examine your life. Is there evidence that you follow and love Jesus? Are you willing to follow and obey Jesus in whatever he calls you to in order that others may come to know Jesus and his good news?

Shout it Out with Slam Effect Part 2

July 20, 2020 • Bill Gehm

Before you knew Christ, perhaps you recognize just how broken your life was. There was pride, selfishness, unease and sin. Yet, the moment you believe, Christ promised his peace and mercy to any who would walk in faith in Him. As Pastor Bill explains today, Christ begins to change who you are. He makes you a new creation. Old desires and sins begin to leave and you begin to live a new life, focused on God in your growing faith. You receive mercy you don’t deserve and the peace of knowing you’re right with God because of Jesus.

Shout It Out With Slam Effect Part 1

July 17, 2020 • Bill Gehm

A very real threat to the early church in Galatia was the super religious people trying to gain status or make a good showing by inducing followers to obey certain standards of religion. The motivation of their heart was wicked. It was not focused on God, though they claimed to believe in Jesus. Today Pastor Bill will cause you to check your heart motivation in your service to God. Do you simply focus on reaching a high number of conversion to brag about that? Or do you boast in Jesus, his life and sacrifice, and his amazing power in you?