Episode 4: Joy

December 20, 2021 • Kelley Weber

God speaks to us in the silence, may our ears and hearts be attuned to the language of God.

I consent to the Holy Spirit’s leading. I breathe in the presence of the One who is Joy. I breathe out and know I am loved. (12 seconds)

I remember my day. My eyes first opening. The sounds of morning. I am grateful. (20 sec)

I think of the people in my life today. Think of the moments my life intersected with theirs. (20 sec)

I remember the food I ate. I think of the ways I used and took care of my body. (20 sec)

I remember the work I accomplished. The labor I strained under. (20 sec)

I scan my day and remember the feelings that passed through me today. (20 sec)

God of my day, reveal to me a moment that you were closest to me today. Where I felt your hand in mine. Where I felt your nudge towards another person or your words on my lips. Where I felt your presence in the comfort of a loved one or a stranger. (20 sec)

Revealer of Truth, show me a moment today where I walked past you. Where I ignored your call. Where I chose my own comfort over you. (20 sec)

Teach me Lord. Teach me the wisdom of noticing the small things. What moment today do you want me to choose to learn from, or just simply to notice, to acknowledge. (6 sec) In the bigger story of my life, help me to see the small moments of today as the holy moments leading towards tomorrow. (20 sec)

Show me Lord. Show me how to live in the posture of Christ tomorrow. I set an intention now to live with gratitude, with servanthood, with curiosity and joy. Show me. Make me aware so that I don’t miss a moment of what you offer me each and every day. (10 sec)
