
Jesus vs. Christianity – Week 5: Inclusion vs. Exclusion

October 10, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky • Luke 5:30–32, Luke 5:12, Luke 5:27, Luke 18:15–16, Luke 7

Jesus vs. Christianity – Week 5
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There is a lot that the church has gotten wrong over the years. We have often strayed from the vision and teachings of Jesus. In the process, the church has excluded, hurt, or rejected people. The constant call for the church is to look more and more like the body of Christ in the world. So in this series, we will talk about some ways the church has gotten it wrong by drifting from the teachings of Jesus, and we will work to move closer to where Jesus calls the church to be.

Jesus vs. Christianity – Week 4: Religion and Politics

October 3, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky • Matthew 22:17, Matthew 22:21

There is a lot that the church has gotten wrong over the years. We have often strayed from the vision and teachings of Jesus. In the process, the church has excluded, hurt, or rejected people. The constant call for the church is to look more and more like the body of Christ in the world. So in this series, we will talk about some ways the church has gotten it wrong by drifting from the teachings of Jesus, and we will work to move closer to where Jesus calls the church to be.

Jesus vs. Christianity – Week 3: Others vs. Self

September 26, 2021 • Rev. Matt Fulmer • Luke 9:23–24

There is a lot that the church has gotten wrong over the years. We have often strayed from the vision and teachings of Jesus. In the process, the church has excluded, hurt, or rejected people. The constant call for the church is to look more and more like the body of Christ in the world. So in this series, we will talk about some ways the church has gotten it wrong by drifting from the teachings of Jesus, and we will work to move closer to where Jesus calls the church to be.

Jesus vs. Christianity – Week 2: Commitment vs. Convenience

September 19, 2021 • Rev. Matt Miofsky • Luke 9:57–62

There is a lot that the church has gotten wrong over the years. We have often strayed from the vision and teachings of Jesus. In the process, the church has excluded, hurt, or rejected people. The constant call for the church is to look more and more like the body of Christ in the world. So in this series, we will talk about some ways the church has gotten it wrong by drifting from the teachings of Jesus, and we will work to move closer to where Jesus calls the church to be.