Lesson 5 — Outline
I. The Land of Promise
1. Possessing the Land
a. The Death of Moses (Deuteronomy 34)
b. Crossing Jordan (Joshua 4:20-24)
c. The Battle for the Land (Joshua 6)
d. The Land Subdued (Joshua 14)
II. The Period of the Judges
1. God Raised Up Judges (Judges 2:16-23)
2. There Was No King (Judges 17:6)
3. Lasted 450 Years (Acts 13:19-20)
III. The United Kingdom
1. Israel Demands a King (I Samuel 8:4-5)
2. The Three Kings
a. Saul (I Samuel 10:1)
b. David (I Samuel 16:13 - I Samuel 18)
c. Solomon ( Kings 1:34, 1 Kings 11:1-13, I Kings 5)
IV. The Divided Kingdom
1. The Kingdom of Israel (1Kings 12-16)
2. The Kingdom of Judah (II Kings 25)
V. The Divided Kingdom
1. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal (1Kings 18:19-40)
2. Elisha and Naaman (II Kings 5)
3. Isaiah Prophesied of the Savior
Blind Eyes Opened (Isaiah 35:4-6)
Sorrows Carried and Grief Borne (Isaiah 53)
VI. The Exile
1. Ezekiel: Prophesied of New Life
A Heart of Flesh (Ezekiel 11:17-20)
Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37)
2. Daniel
3. Esther
VII. The Return to Jerusalem
1. Opposition (Nehemiah 4)
2. The Prophets and the Message of Restoration (Haggai 1)
3. The Old Testament Ends
5 - Exploring God's Word - Lesson 5
February 24, 2021 • A.J. Dummitt
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Exploring God's Word Bible Study