Exploring God's Word
Lesson 2 — Outline
I. From the Fall to the Flood
1. Adam and Eve outside the Garden (Genesis 3:16; 4:1)
2. The Difference between Two Brothers (Genesis 4:2)
3. Worship Taught (Genesis 4:3-6)
4. Sacrifice Accepted and Rejected (Genesis 4:7)
5. Blood Sacrifice, a Requirement (Revelation 13:8; Hebrews 9:22; 11:4)
6. The Punishment of Disobedience (Genesis 4:13-15)
7. Men Who Walked with God (Genesis 4:25)
a. Seth (Genesis 4:26)
b. Enoch (Genesis 5:24; Hebrews 11:5)
c. Noah (Genesis 6:7; Hebrews 11:7)
II. The Righteous Family Preserved
1. Faith and Obedience Required (Genesis 7:1; Hebrews 11:7)
2. One Plan of Escape (Hebrews 11:7; I Peter 3:20; II Peter 2:5)
3. The Place of Safety (Genesis 7:15-16)
4. Noah Receives a Promise (Genesis 9:9-13)
Ill. Humankind Judged
1. The Days before the Flood (Matthew 24:38)
a. Eating and Drinking (Matthew 24:37-44; Philippians 3:17-19)
b. Marrying and Giving in Marriage (Genesis 6:1-2; II Peter 3:3-7)
c. Buying, Selling, Planting, and Building (Luke 17:26-30)
2. They Knew Not (Matthew 24:39)
a. So Shall Also the Coming of the Son of Man Be (Matthew 24:27, 39)
b. The Same Extreme Wickedness (II Timothy 3:1-4)
3. Noah Prepared! (Hebrews 11:7)
2 - Exploring God's Word - Lesson 2 - From the Fall to the Flood
From the Fall to the Flood
January 27, 2021 • A.J. Dummitt
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Exploring God's Word Bible Study