
When He Molds Us, He Holds Us

Messages of Hope - Chapter 9

August 24, 2020 • A.J. Dummitt

The Potter is still working today. Over fifteen times in the Old Testament the term “out of their hands” or “out of the hand” is used and this is very important. If somebody can be taken out of somebody’s hand or they can be delivered out of somebody’s hand according to the scriptures, I want to know why. It matters because of what we read in the Bible regarding the hands of the potter. The scripture says that God had Israel in His hand. In John we read that He’s going to give unto His people eternal life and nobody is going to be able to pluck them out of His hand. There is safety in the hand of God. There’s forgiveness in the hand of God. There is mercy and grace in the hand of God. If we can just stay in the hand of God, everything can be worked out.