

A Gift of God

Freedom 3: Inheritance

November 17, 2018 • Pastor Doyle A Jackson

With freedom always comes a responsibility. if I loan you my car bring it back clean and full of gas. In the same way, God's deliverance is not for us to go back into ungodly behavior. This all builds into trust and respect. When we deal with our neighbors, co-workers and friend in a respectful wall it opens the door to more freedom and trust. As a church, we are called to enfold new believers into this circle of leadership and life. We want every successive generation to know what God is expecting of us as believers. This is our freedom trust. Think about our calling to worship, discipleship, fellowship, ministry, and evangelism.

Freedom 2: Shared

November 10, 2018 • Pastor Doyle A Jackson

Join us for part two of the Freedom series. This week we are going to look at how to share the freedom we have as Christians. Learn the Three C's of Shared freedom. Also, learn how you can overcome the most common obstacles of shared freedom. Finally, let us introduce you to your number one helper in this process.

Freedom 1: The Gift

November 3, 2018 • Pastor Doyle A Jackson