
Finding Hope

Dealing with Trials

June 23, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

It is significant that in Jesus’ parable of the sower, two of the three soils that failed to produce a crop represent people who did not know how to handle suffering. The rocky soil, pictures those who receive the word joyfully at first, but do not sink down roots, so that when affliction or persecution comes, they fall away. The thorny ground reflects those who seem to grow for a while, but then allow, among other things, the worries of the world to choke out the word so that it does not bear fruit unto eternal life (Mark 4:16-19). If we don’t learn how to handle affliction, worries, and other kinds of suffering, we will not persevere as a Christian. On the other hand, if we learn how to handle suffering, we will grow solid through it. This Sunday we will look at The Disciplines in Dealing with The Devil through Trials.

Prescription for a Healthy Church

June 16, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Good churches are hard to find! I often hear people. who were in a good church, share how they moved to a another town or community and seemed to have a great deal of trouble finding a healthy church. Sometimes. the church lacks vital worship. It's also possible that the fellowship could not find a pastor who faithfully preaches the Word. Sometimes the church is racked with dissension over petty issues or is hung up with legalism. This is not to say that churches should be trouble-free, but when we compare our fellowship to 1 Peter 5:1-7, we can see what it takes to have A Healthy Church.

Pep talk for the persecuted

June 9, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

How can we know if a trial is from the Lord, from Satan, or from our own making? How can we rejoice in trials when, honestly, we feel angry toward God? Is the anger natural or sinful? Is trusting God an impractical cliche or the most practical thing you can do in a trial? A person who has gone through a horrible trial angrily asks, “How can you trust a God who allows this to happen?" This Sunday we will answer these questions in a message titled, A Pep Talk For The Persecuted.

Living for Eternity

June 2, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

We are living in an extremely perverted age. Moral purity is fighting for its life. This world is steeped in its wicked debauchery as it seeks to serve and satisfy the desires of depravity. This could be expected from the world, but even many professing Christians have given in, surrendered to the moral contamination of the day. In chapter four of first Peter, we are reminded that if we are going to have an impact on the people around us, we must be different from them. It is not easy to be different. It is not popular to be different. However, it is required that we be different. We must have a holy walk in a hostile world. This Sunday we will look at seven principles Peter gives us for Living For Eternity.

The Savior is Victorious

May 26, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

1 Peter 3:18-22 shows us that the heart of the gospel is the fact that Jesus Christ who knew no sin, died for sinners. Peter closes this section on the unjust suffering of believers with the example of how Christ suffered unjustly to redeem the lost. Jesus’ atoning death forever eliminated the need for further sacrifices. When He died, the price for sin was fully paid, once and for all, by His shed blood. This Sunday we will look at the Triumphant Christ. How fitting a message on Memorial Day weekend that we show appreciation for those who sacrificed their lives to pay for our freedom!

A Christian witness in a hostile world

May 19, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

How do we honor God’s name? By doing His will on earth. Saint Francis once took a young monk with him to preach in town. But when they arrived they just chatted with vendors and talked to people on the street. Returning home, the novice asked Saint Francis why they hadn’t preached. He replied, “People listened; they observed our attitude and behavior. That was our message.” Paul writes “Take care of business do your work then people who are not believers will respect you” (1 Thessalonians 4:11-12, NCV) this Sunday we will look at 1 Peter 3:13-17 on How To Be A Christian Witness In A Hostile World.

Living the Good Life

May 5, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

One of the crucial factors involved in the maturing process of the Christian is the issue of the believer’s relationship with others Christians. If we can learn to get along with other Christians, and be patient when other believers are a pain, then he or she will grow and go forward for Christ and live The Good Life, which is the title of the message Sunday morning. If a Christian can’t deal with the fallacy, faults, failures, and frustrations that are created by other believers, he will become hurt, bitter, discouraged, and disillusioned with Christians, the church, the Bible, and the Lord. He will most likely follow the path that many have trod and get out of church. Join us and we take a close look at how to avoid the pitfalls, so we can continue in the way of The Good Life! May we be an example to others of how to navigate this life without stumbling and falling away.

Breaking Bread together

April 28, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

In last week's Easter message, we looked at Luke 24, when the two disciples and Jesus were walking to Emmaus. As the three approached the village at the conclusion of their trip, the couple begged the Lord to stay with them at their home since it was getting late. Jesus said yes and went home with them. As they sat together for the meal, the Lord took the bread, blessed it, and gave it to them. The breaking of the bread by the Lord provokes some important thoughts and applications for our personal lives. This Sunday we will be looking at how God sometimes has to break us in order to bring blessings to others and ourselves. Then we will partake of the Lord’s Supper together. Don’t miss this special day as we break bread together.

The Road to Joy

April 21, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

This Easter Sunday's message is titled, "The Road to Joy!" The lives of many have been changed throughout history because of a road they took in their travels. The life of a man that was beaten by robbers on the Jericho road was saved by someone we know as the Good Samaritan. Saul’s life was drastically changed when he traveled on the road to Damascus, met Jesus, and was saved. These folks found life on their difficult paths or roads they traveled. This Easter, we will be looking at two people who were on the Emmaus Road, when they ran into the risen Christ on that first resurrection Sunday and how it changed their lives forever. You can set your GPS for Luke 24 because that's our destination!

Picture of the Church

April 7, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Speaking to believers, Peter said, ”Having your conversation honest among the Gentiles” (1Peter 2:12). This speaks of our behavior before the world. Honest speaks of more than just a person’s integrity. The word is translated Kalos in Greek which means good and beautiful. Conversation refers to more than the mouth but to the entire manner of life. “That they by your good works glorify God in the day of visitation”. The believer is to behave in such a way that it will cause others to glorify God not bring reproach. This Sunday we will take a look in the mirror and consider how the world sees us.

The Precious Stone

March 24, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Peter was a strong, impulsive fisherman, yet when he met Jesus, he bowed to his Lord. In his later years, when he wrote this letter of encouragement to the believers, he spoke of love, hope, humility, and our precious Jesus. This week's message is The Precious Stone from I Peter 2:4-7. In this passage we are reminded of how precious our Savior is and in turn how precious our lives are because of Him. We have a holy purpose. The Lord is special to Christians, and we are special to the Lord. He has a specific plan for each of us that will bring glory to Him, that will bless our lives, and will benefit others that put their faith in Him. Peter reminds us where we came from, where we are right now, and where we are going if we know the Lord Jesus. He is building us up into a spiritual house. Don't miss Sunday as we look at the preciousness of Christ and our purpose which is precious.

The Call to Consecration (P2)

March 17, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

The Call to Consecration

March 3, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

The Lord deals with our distractions and spiritual decline in 1 Peter 1:13-17. This Sunday we will look at the Lord's call for us to be dedicated and committed to Christ. The questions that arise at this point are - How do we respond to the call? How do we remain devoted and dedicated to decency, faithful in fervency, concrete in consistency, unwavering in urgency, patient in persistence, intense in intimacy with God, and satisfied with Christ's sufficiency in our life? God, speaking through Peter, answers these questions. Join us as we look at these biblical principles that will help us answer the call of consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Inquiring minds want to know

February 17, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Inquiring Minds Want To Know! From 1 Peter 1:10-12, we see that the prophets prayed and diligently sought to understand the age when the Messiah would be sent to save men. They wanted to know the very same thing that the Lord’s disciples wanted to know when they asked about the Lord’s return. When shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world? (Matthew 24:3) What a challenge to us! If these great men of God had to search diligently for the truth of God’s word and salvation, how much more do we? This Sunday we will look how we can search for these truths.

Why do Christians suffer

February 10, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

This Sunday we will be looking at the important topic of suffering. Peter acknowledges that this life will bring all kinds of trials and sufferings, but reminds us that they only last for a little while, a little season. It's to be expected that we will have periods of heaviness or sorrow for all kinds of reasons. We are also reminded by the Apostle Peter that we have great joy when we recognize that our salvation is secure. We have a joy that runs deeper than our present circumstances. The world can't bring this kind of joy! Mankind rejoices in a lot of things but nothing compares to salvation. What does this mean? This Sunday we will examine Why Christians Suffer.