
The Call to Consecration

March 3, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

The Lord deals with our distractions and spiritual decline in 1 Peter 1:13-17. This Sunday we will look at the Lord's call for us to be dedicated and committed to Christ. The questions that arise at this point are - How do we respond to the call? How do we remain devoted and dedicated to decency, faithful in fervency, concrete in consistency, unwavering in urgency, patient in persistence, intense in intimacy with God, and satisfied with Christ's sufficiency in our life? God, speaking through Peter, answers these questions. Join us as we look at these biblical principles that will help us answer the call of consecration to the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Dealing with Trials

June 23, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

It is significant that in Jesus’ parable of the sower, two of the three soils that failed to produce a crop represent people who did not know how to handle suffering. The rocky soil, pictures those who receive the word joyfully at first, but do not sink down roots, so that when affliction or persecution comes, they fall away. The thorny ground reflects those who seem to grow for a while, but then allow, among other things, the worries of the world to choke out the word so that it does not bear fruit unto eternal life (Mark 4:16-19). If we don’t learn how to handle affliction, worries, and other kinds of suffering, we will not persevere as a Christian. On the other hand, if we learn how to handle suffering, we will grow solid through it. This Sunday we will look at The Disciplines in Dealing with The Devil through Trials.

Prescription for a Healthy Church

June 16, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

Good churches are hard to find! I often hear people. who were in a good church, share how they moved to a another town or community and seemed to have a great deal of trouble finding a healthy church. Sometimes. the church lacks vital worship. It's also possible that the fellowship could not find a pastor who faithfully preaches the Word. Sometimes the church is racked with dissension over petty issues or is hung up with legalism. This is not to say that churches should be trouble-free, but when we compare our fellowship to 1 Peter 5:1-7, we can see what it takes to have A Healthy Church.

Pep talk for the persecuted

June 9, 2019 • Dr. Danny Lovett

How can we know if a trial is from the Lord, from Satan, or from our own making? How can we rejoice in trials when, honestly, we feel angry toward God? Is the anger natural or sinful? Is trusting God an impractical cliche or the most practical thing you can do in a trial? A person who has gone through a horrible trial angrily asks, “How can you trust a God who allows this to happen?" This Sunday we will answer these questions in a message titled, A Pep Talk For The Persecuted.