
Romans 8:13

Putting Sin To Death

July 30, 2024 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Romans 8:13

PASSAGE: Romans 8:13 - For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.

PAUSE: One key aspect of our new life in Christ is our new capacity to stop giving in to sin. We make this choice, but the Holy Spirit gives us the power! To “live according to the flesh” simply means you feed and follow your own wants and desires with no regard for God or His revealed Word. But then God saves us through the gospel of Christ and He sets us on a new path with a new destination. Our sins that have been forgiven through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ now must be defeated in our daily lives through the power of the Holy Spirit! (Read that sentence again!) Notice this verse says we have a key part to play in this process of defeating sin. The Holy Spirit does not simply take it away. God says “you put to death the deeds of the body by (the power of) the Spirit.” So, I surrender and call upon God for His help and strength to overcome sin. Then I take practical, real action to put that sin to death, trusting God every step of the way. This looks like repenting of my sins, it looks like changing my life choices and habits, it looks like getting rid of the sources of temptation, it looks like starving my fleshly desires and feeding my new life in Christ, it looks like bringing other believers close to lovingly hold me accountable. 

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, I am so glad that Your solution to the sin in my life is not: “just stop that!” because I cannot stop sinning on my own strength. Praise You that Your Spirit gives me Your strength to do it. Amen