
Matthew 6:11

Praying For Our Needs

August 8, 2024 • Pastor Josh Lewis • Matthew 6:11

PASSAGE: Matthew 6:11 - Give us this day our daily bread...

PAUSE: If you sat down right now to make a list of things you want and need, what are the first things that come to mind? For me, I tend to think about the big things first. If you look at my kids' Christmas lists, they usually start with the really big wishlist items: a horse, a trip to Australia, etc. What items typically don't make their list? Socks to replace the ones with holes. Groceries for dinner this week. Pencils for school this year. Even though those things don't make the list, they're clearly more important than the wish list items. When we present our needs to God, what does that list look like for you? As Jesus modeled for us in the Lord's prayer, we need to recognize that it's not just the big needs that we should be taking to God. He is our abundant Provider and He invites us to bring our true needs directly to Him in prayer! Keep praying for the big things--the breakthrough, the healing, the miracles, the opportunities-- but don't neglect to ask Him for your everyday needs (food for the day, strength to make it through a situation, patience in the moment). He is our sole provider, and He wants us to lean on Him for all things.

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, so often we fret and worry over many of the basic needs in our lives. May we be quick to seek You with all of those needs and then give praise to Your Name as You meet those needs. Amen