
John 14:6

Except Through Me

July 25, 2024 • Pastor Josh Lewis • John 14:6

PASSAGE: John 14:6 - Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

PAUSE: The modern world firmly believes that “all roads lead to heaven.” As long as someone is sincere about following their religious system, surely they will be saved, right?! That's the mainstream opinion of the world, but we know that can't be true. Why? Because Jesus declares, “No one comes to the Father except through Me!” We know logically that two contradictory statements cannot both be true, and yet multiple religions claim to be the only way to God. With that in mind, we need to abandon the idea that "all roads lead to heaven", and anchor our faith in only ONE of these truth claims. With eternity at stake, it's important to have the assurance that we are following the right road, so how do we know that Jesus is truly the right way? Join us back tomorrow as we answer why Jesus is the only name that can save.

PRAYER: God our Savior, the “all roads lead to heaven” mindset is a lie from our enemy, the devil. Thank You for providing the One True Way! Amen.