
Acts 2:47

Healthy Things Grow

August 23, 2024 • Pastor Josh Lewis • Acts 2:47

PASSAGE: Acts 2:47 - ...And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.

PAUSE: The actions of the early church were contagious! By living out the Gospel and sharing it with others, people’s eternal destinies were changing. Churches living in beautiful community attract unbelievers to the good news of Jesus Christ because they see God’s love on display! That should be our heart in everything we do—to live a life with others in view. Think about those you are in community with—your family, friends, neighbors, co-workers. How can you live out the good news and share that with them? It is a beautiful thing to watch the Lord grow His church as the Gospel is spread!

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, may the way we live out our faith together draw many others to put their trust in You. Amen.