
Acts 2:46

Breaking Bread Together

August 20, 2024 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Acts 2:46

PASSAGE: Acts 2:46 - And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts…

PAUSE: One of the most neglected gifts in the modern church is HOSPITALITY! Gathering together around the table for good food and even better conversation is a prime opportunity for spiritual formation. The “day by day” tells us that this was not a rarity but a regular rhythm of life. This “breaking bread” together took place in someone’s home and it included both a full meal and the taking of communion together. In their unique setting, it also meant that those who were poor would have food to eat. There really is something special, something good and enjoyable, that happens when believers gather around the table. It’s like the walls of distance and formality come down and we can talk about real life. We can celebrate milestones and support thru trials and solve problems and speak life and encouragement into one another, all around a tasty dinner. Do you have a group (think Life Group) that you regularly break bread together with? It is core to our spiritual growth!  

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, You call us to live in fellowship with You and with each other. One day we will join You at the Great Banquet, but today You call us to break bread together! Amen