
Acts 2:42

Devoted To The Fellowship

August 19, 2024 • Pastor Mike Fanning • Acts 2:42

PASSAGE: Acts 2:42 - And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

PAUSE: This passage (Acts 2:42-47) summarizes the practices that the very first Christians were devoted to. Above all else we see a radical commitment to doing life deeply together! In response to Christ’s devotion to them as demonstrated by His loving sacrifice for their sins these brand-new believers devoted themselves to living out their commitment to Christ. This “devotion” took the form of a decisive commitment to obey Jesus (“the apostles' teaching”) and to live in unity and community! (“devoted themselves…to the fellowship”). They understood right off the bat that getting saved was a personal thing but that we are saved into a new spiritual family. In ways that is hard for modern Christians to grasp, but we desperately need to grasp, these believers didn’t operate on the basis of “me” but on the basis of “we”! They were devoted to Jesus and to one another. They were devoted to Love God with all their hearts and to love their neighbors! (See Matthew 22:37-40: The Great Commandment).

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, Thank You for saving us from sin and isolation and into a community of radical love! Amen.