
The Road Trip

Luke 24:13-35 | 8/5/18

Scott Ziegler

Two men on a road trip to Emmaus struck up a conversation about Jesus with a man they thought was a stranger. Little did they know that this man would completely change their perspective on who Jesus is and completely change their lives.

The Breakfast

John McCann

Shock And Assumptions

Junior Ziegler

Mary had a conversation outside of Jesus' tomb with someone who she thought was the gardner. After the man revealed who he was, her conversation with him not only changed her life, but changed the world. Junior unpacks for us what this means for us: Because of what happened there that day, we know that Jesus is always there - even if we feel like Mary outside the tomb before she found Jesus alive and well.

Under Pressure

Scott Ziegler

Jesus had a conversation with Pontius Pilate before he was sent to his crucifixion that left Pilate more confused about Jesus than he was initially. That's because there was something Jesus was trying to explain to him that he just didn't get - which Scott unwraps for us.