
3 :: What does God Say About Jesus

It is time to meet and learn about Jesus


The Word became flesh.

It’s time to meet Jesus.

What does the Bible teach us about Jesus?

Among many things, we learn that Jesus is life, He’s engaged, He’s present and the The One who made it all in Genesis is the One who shows us life today.

Jesus is the Word.

The Bible says this about Jesus in John 1:1.

In the beginning God was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God .

The first verse of John teaches us many important facts, and brings to light an important term. Jesus is referred to as "The Word," from the Greek word logos.

Christ is the Logos, the definition, the meaning, the "Word" of God. This is the first of John's seven names for Jesus: "The Word."

We can also learn from the word logos in this verse that Jesus is the same as the Creator. The verse says, The Word was God. The Logos was God. It is here that Jesus is established as God.

Jesus was no ordinary man.

He is fully God.

He was with God in the beginning as the Creator.

When we look back over weeks one and two, Amen and In the beginning God created, we see Jesus. The writer in Revelation agrees and the opening of the Bible states that God created it all.

Jesus, the Son of God is the Word.

He was in the beginning and He is in the end.

He holds it all together and in John 1:1 He is introduced in all His glory and power.

Jesus is the Word!

Jesus is God walking on earth as a man.

God in the flesh.

Jesus is not just a prophet, He is not a religious leader who did good things. Jesus is God. God in the flesh. God walking among us.

God, the One who came to earth. The One who made it all is with the people. The Word. God. Holy and powerful with the name called Jesus.

Later in the book of John we see these incredible words ... “I have come to bring life and not just life, but life on top of life.”

Memorize it :: John 10:10
The thief comes to kills steal and destroy, but I have come to bring life and bring it the fullest.

One of the most interesting things about life is there is no life outside of life. Only death outside of life. When Jesus says, “I am the way and I am the life,” he means it. Jesus is life. Jesus is the only way to life. Jesus exists in love and in Him is true life.

If you find yourself in death today, then maybe its because you don’t have a relationship with Jesus.

Take a few minutes right now and think about your life. Have you ever asked Jesus to save you? Have you admitted that you are a sinner and that your only hope for life now or in all eternity is to admit you are a sinner. Jesus says that if you confess Him with your mouth and believe in your heart that He will save, then you will be saved. He is the only way to life.

When it comes to life ... we only find it in Jesus. Looking for life outside of Jesus is like looking for color in a pitch black room. Trying to find life outside of Jesus is like searching for a roaring river in the middle of a desert. Trying to find life outside of Jesus is exactly like straining for oxygen while under water. We can’t see in the dark, find rivers in the desert and breathe under water. The same is true for real life. You can’t find it outside of Jesus.

You were made to know Jesus and make Him known to others. Being a Christian is a call to being like Christ. No two ways about it, Jesus forgives our sins and then leads us through the rest of our life. We are made by Him to live for Him. He gave you life to be in Him.

Being who you were made to be takes time and energy. It requires focus and intentionality. There is a mystery in the Christian life. We are saved by grace and led to be like Jesus along the way. When we accept Jesus and become a follower of Christ, God begins to take us on a journey of maturing and becoming.

Maturing into the life we were made to live happens by faith. Becoming the person we were made to be happens by faith. Walking daily by faith is who you are called to be.

Question ::
1. What does it look like to walk by faith?
2. What does walking by faith look like to you?
3. What does the Bible each about walking by faith?
4. Take a few minutes before you continue and write down the answer to these questions today?

The Plan of Salvation

The way to Jesus is faith. The way to living like Jesus is also faith. (Romans 1)

Daily seeking Him by reading the Bible through faith, talking to Him through prayer by faith, serving Him daily by being love to the people we meet and encouraging one another by being together by faith.

By faith ... Be who He made you to be and walk with Him through the every moment of your life. Let Him guide you by talking to Him often. Read His words and meditate on them. Memorize verses in the Bible and watch them bring you life in a sometimes really hard cruel world.

Jesus is life. His death gave us life. His sacrifice made us new.

His willingness to die modeled the way to real life.

He lived a life of surrender, and so should we.

The Christian life is a daily dying to self life full offilled with steps of faith and obedience.

The Christ life is a surrendered life.

Want to know who you were made to be? After salvation, you, being made clean through Jesus are called to find your being in Him and only Him. Remember, outside of life is no life.

Take a few minutes right now and write down who you are in Jesus. Re-read what you’ve just read and write a summary of who you think you really are.

You are saved. Your old life is gone.

You are filled with the Trinity.

You are a saint. Not a sinner.

You are made by love, and you are called to love for the rest of your life!

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