
What Faith Produces (BG)

Battle Ground Campus

August 8, 2021 • Tim Ainley • James 3:13–18

Wisdom comes from God. Our lives, when lived according to His wisdom reflects His character. Jesus Christ is the perfect example of a life lived in full submission to God’s will, displaying heavenly wisdom. A mind fully submitted to God will always seek the true good of others, while a heart ruled by the self seeks the
good of self, leading to disorder. If everyone seeks good according to what they themselves determine is good, our ideals inevitably conflict and we clash with one another, either literally or figuratively. James says you have a choice. Are you following wisdom from above? Or are you following that which has come from below—that anti-wisdom—earthly, unspiritual, and demonic, causing strife and conflict. Make your choice. Are you following God’s wisdom, or are you following earthly wisdom?

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