
Faith In Surrender (HP)

Heritage Park Campus

August 15, 2021 • Kenan Stolz • James 4:1–12

Jesus sums up the Law and Prophets in four simple words, “Love God, love others” (Matthew 22:40). It sounds simple enough but is tragically difficult to do. Why is this so? James puts it quite simply; our passions are at war within us. Rather than love selflessly, we desire to be served, we struggle for recognition, and wrestle for power and prestige—we judge and condemn rather than walking in humility, filled with mercy and grace. To act in such a manner makes us enemies of God; we cannot love God if we are constantly fighting to sit on His throne. The solution to resisting love of self, or worldliness, is to draw near to God. Proximity to God changes us from the inside out. As we draw near to God, our attitude toward others should also be one of humility. God has not put us on an exalted throne; the way we interact with Him and others reveals what we believe.

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