
How to. Avoid the Professor's Ploy

Greg Koukl

In the book, Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, there are three basic steps that are thoroughly outlined.

Step 1 is to gather information by asking the question, "What do you mean by that?"

Step 2 is to reverse the burden of proof by asking the question, "How did you come to that conclusion?"

Step 3 is to make your own point using questions.

There’s a liability to the burden of proof—a trick where someone is trying to reverse the burden of proof on you. I call it the Professor's Ploy because professors like to do this. You might go to class and have a professor that is bent on destroying your convictions, and so they go after Christianity as often as they can.

Some Christians want to challenge the professor who's saying the Bible is just a bunch of fables or something like that. Going after the professor is right-hearted but wrong-headed. It violates a basic rule of engagement: Never make a frontal assault on a superior force in an entrenched position. The man with the microphone is going to win.

However, I'm not saying to break off the engagement. You can still be effective if you use your tactics. What would that look like?

If the professor is saying the Bible is a bunch of fables, what question could you raise your hand and ask? How about, "What do you mean by that?" That’s an appropriate question for a student to ask, and you’re not being confrontational. You're just getting information. He's going to explain in more detail what he means by "the Bible's full of fables."

After he’s done explaining, what other question comes to mind in light of the tactical game plan? "How did you come to that conclusion?" Again, it's the kind of question that a student should be asking.

However, the professor may figure out what's going on and say, “You must be one of those Christians who believes the Bible's the Word of God. Why don't you stand up and explain to the rest of the class why you think the Bible is not a bunch of fables?"

What did the professor just do? He reversed the burden of proof. Why is that an illicit move? Because the student, the Christian, has not made a claim. He has only asked questions. Therefore, the student, the Christian, bears no burden of proof. The professor is pushing it on him anyways saying, "You disprove me." That's the Professor's Ploy, and here's my advice. Don't take the bait.

In other words, don't take the burden of responsibility on yourself to disprove the other person's point of view. If you haven't made any claims, and at this stage in the game plan you haven't, then you bear no burden of proof.

What can you say to the professor? You say, "Professor, you don't know my view because I never said it. I'm just trying to figure out what you believe and your reasons for it."

You don't want to take the bait when somebody tries to push the burden of proof on you when you have not made any claims. That is the Professor's Ploy. Do not fall for it.