
Want to Share the Gospel? Start with This Question

Greg Koukl

Having a tactical game plan in place allows you to engage somebody in a productive way for Christ without taking a lot of risk on yourself. Don’t worry about the harvest, but think more about the gardening. If we garden effectively, the harvest will take care of itself.

Trying to win someone to Christ is daunting for a lot of people, so they sit on the bench instead. I want to suggest how you can get in the game.

First, gather information. What does that do? It gives me a lay of the land. I might find out if they are a Christian, if they used to be a Christian, whether they’ve thought about Christianity, or whether they’re hostile to Christianity.

These are all things that are really valuable to know before you move forward. You don’t need to hurry. Do not worry about winning them to Christ. Just think about gathering information.

I have a model question that will help you: “What do you mean by that?” You can use it different ways, under different circumstances, with different people.

This is especially helpful when people are raising objections or challenges against Christianity.

Friend: “Everything is relative.”
You: “What do you mean by relative?”

Friend: “I believe in evolution.”
You: “What do you mean by evolution?”

Friend: “I believe the Bible is filled with errors.”
You: “Why do you believe the Bible is filled with errors?”

It is always in your favor to ask more questions. You don’t have to answer the objection at this point. Just get more information. The more information you get, the better. The more you understand that person, the better you’ll be able to decide which direction to go or whether to go in any direction at all.

This first question, “What do you mean by that?”—meant to help you gather information—is going to get you started, and that’s all we want to worry about at this point in the tactical game plan.