
Where Do Moral Laws Come From?

Greg Koukl

Arguments that Christians have offered in favor of God based on the existence of morality have been misunderstood by atheists and also by some Christians.

Here's the way the moral argument goes: If there is no God, there is no objective morality. But there is objective morality evidenced by the problem of evil. Therefore, there must be a God.

I’ll specifically address the confusion because atheists are quick to object, “You're saying I can't be moral if I don't believe in God," and that is not our point.

Our point is, if there is no God, morality has no meaning. The quickest way I can get to that point is to offer a challenge by the late Christopher Hitchens, one of the New Atheists. He said, "Tell me one good thing that you can do as a theist that I can't do as an atheist."

That's a fair charge, but notice how it focuses on behavior. Can he do the same behaviors that we do? The answer is yes, he can. That's not the issue. The issue is whether the behaviors are good or not without God.
Let me offer another illustration. I'll use Christopher Hitchens.

What if Christopher Hitchens said, "I don't believe in writers."

And I said, "Well if you don't believe in writers, then how can you read?"

And he said, "I can read anything just as good as you can read, maybe even better."

The point isn't who can do the behavior more effectively. The point is whether there's anything to read without writers.

This is called the grounding problem. What makes morality possible? What does it sit on, so-to-speak? Reading depends on writing. Writing depends on writers. That's the grounding problem with reading.

Morality—being good—depends on there being moral laws. Moral laws require a moral Law-Maker. If there is a moral Law-Maker, then there are moral laws, and both the Christian and the atheist can do good things regardless of their beliefs because there are good things to do.

But if there is no God, then there are no morals, and there are no good things. You can still do the same behaviors, but neither the atheist nor the theist can define them as good.