Commentary: We have got the goods. (00:00)
How can I reconcile Ephesians 2:14–15, which talks about Jesus abolishing the Law, and Matthew 5:17, which says Jesus did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it? (39:00)
How Is God Not Partly Responsible for Our Sin?
January 3, 2025 • Greg Koukl
Why does John always refer to himself as the beloved? (02:00)
How is God not also in some measure responsible for our sin if he’s sovereign and we didn’t choose our desires? (16:00)
How does John 15:22–24 not contradict Paul’s claim that “no one is without excuse” in Romans 1? (37:00)
You Can Learn from Christians with Whom You Don’t Agree on Everything
December 27, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Would entering a physique show be considered worshiping the body and something a church leader shouldn’t be participating in? (11:00)
I appreciate that you don’t distance yourself from apologists who differ from you on soteriology. What is a good way to approach learning from other Christians with whom we don’t agree on everything? (28:00)
What is your stance on whether a Christian can attend a baptism for a different religion? (43:00)
How would you respond to the claim that “Pride is important because someone tonight still believes they’re better off dead than being gay“? (47:00)
Christmas Spoilers
December 20, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Commentary: Christmas spoilers (00:00)
Commentary: Films that capture the nativity well (15:00)
Is day trading a form of gambling? (24:00)
Is it okay to not evangelize like Ray Comfort? (39:00)
How can I reconcile your view on decision making with Romans 12:2, which talks about God’s perfect will? (44:00)
Should I Feel Guilty for Not Having the Joy of the Lord During a Dark Time?
December 18, 2024 • Greg Koukl
What’s your opinion on old earth vs. young earth? (06:00)
Should I feel guilty for not having the joy of the Lord during a long, difficult, dark time? (37:00)
Will There Be a Rapture?
December 13, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Can you elaborate on your views on the rapture? (02:00)
When it comes to salvation, is there any middle ground between Reformed and Arminian theology? (31:00)
Science Can’t Disprove the Virgin Birth
December 11, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Commentary: Science can’t disprove the virgin birth. (00:00)
When did the New Covenant start? (14:00)
If the wages of sin is separation from God, how could Jesus pay that? (26:00)
What are your thoughts on Bonhoeffer’s views on the Bible? (43:00)
Is it ever okay to be pragmatic, or is it always wrong to say the ends justify the means? (49:00)
Why Does God Allow Evil?
December 6, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Why does God allow evil? (00:00)
Does the denomination of a church really matter, and should Matthew 16 be interpreted as saying that whoever says Jesus is the Christ is part of the church, or is it saying Peter was the first pope? (24:00)
Can you explain how your view on decision making and the will of God fits with passages in James, Ruth, and Esther? (42:00)
What We Can Learn from the Account of David and Goliath
December 4, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Commentary: What we can learn from the account of David and Goliath (08:00)
Why does it seem like there’s such a divide between men and women today? (19:00)
Do you think I was right to turn down a request to build a large water feature for a Buddhist temple, in which there will be a Buddhist statue in the center of a reflection pool? (47:00)
When should passages be interpreted as descriptive rather than prescriptive (e.g., when it comes to head coverings)? (53:00)
Are the Things We Claim Are Complex Really Complex?
November 29, 2024 • Greg Koukl
When it comes to the teleological argument, how do we know the things we say are complex are really complex? (01:00)
How can I witness to someone at work who consulted a spiritualist? (27:00)
Does God value results or growth more? (36:00)
How Can You Say God Is Pro-Life if He Kills Babies?
November 27, 2024 • Greg Koukl, Robby Lashua
Interview: An announcement from Robby Lashua (00:00)
Commentary: Say “thank you” to everyone who does something for you. (27:00)
Are Christians pro-life, and do they believe God is pro-life even though he kills babies? (46:00)
Will God Be in Pain for Eternity as He Watches People Suffer in Hell?
November 20, 2024 • Greg Koukl
What did you think of the “He Gets Us” foot washing ads earlier this year? (00:00)
Could the tree of the knowledge of good and evil have had some property that gave them this knowledge since the related tree of life seems to have had a property that would cause them to live forever? (17:00)
Why do you think Job isn’t a historical account? (29:00)
Since God loves everyone and Jesus died for everyone, if God is aware of what’s going on in Hell, does that mean he’ll spend eternity in pain as he watches his creation suffer? (41:00)
Am I Giving What Is Holy to Dogs?
November 13, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Considering Jesus said, “Do not give what is holy to dogs,” should I not engage people online over and over again? (00:00)
A follow-up on a previous conversation about dealing with a problematic pastor. (12:00)
How could entropy be evidence for the beginning of the universe if the first law of thermodynamics says energy can’t be destroyed? (20:00)
How would you respond to someone who says anybody could make up a detailed story that sounds like eyewitness testimony? (26:00)
Would you ever do campus evangelism, and how do you create interactions that don’t make people feel awkward? (42:00)
What’s a powerful question to ask someone who insists an unborn baby is only a “potential life”? (49:00)
How Can Jesus Be God?
November 8, 2024 • Greg Koukl
How can Jesus be God if God is in Heaven and Jesus was on earth? (04:00)
Are disordered desires sinful, and does Satan put sinful thoughts in Christians’ minds? (15:00)
Do Acts 8 and 19 teach that we only receive the Holy Spirit if someone lays hands on us? (30:00)
Does the fact that the apostles disagreed with each other at times refute the reason why you think John 16:13 doesn’t apply to us today? (44:00)
Craig Hazen Joins Stand to Reason
November 6, 2024 • Greg Koukl, Craig Hazen
Interview: Craig Hazen joins Stand to Reason. (00:00)
Does the fact that we don’t have to figure out what God is telling us to do mean that God doesn’t really care what we do and doesn’t ordain what he wants us to do? (34:00)