Commentary: We have got the goods. (00:00)
How can I reconcile Ephesians 2:14–15, which talks about Jesus abolishing the Law, and Matthew 5:17, which says Jesus did not come to abolish the Law but to fulfill it? (39:00)
How Is God Not Partly Responsible for Our Sin?
January 3, 2025 • Greg Koukl
Why does John always refer to himself as the beloved? (02:00)
How is God not also in some measure responsible for our sin if he’s sovereign and we didn’t choose our desires? (16:00)
How does John 15:22–24 not contradict Paul’s claim that “no one is without excuse” in Romans 1? (37:00)
You Can Learn from Christians with Whom You Don’t Agree on Everything
December 27, 2024 • Greg Koukl
Would entering a physique show be considered worshiping the body and something a church leader shouldn’t be participating in? (11:00)
I appreciate that you don’t distance yourself from apologists who differ from you on soteriology. What is a good way to approach learning from other Christians with whom we don’t agree on everything? (28:00)
What is your stance on whether a Christian can attend a baptism for a different religion? (43:00)
How would you respond to the claim that “Pride is important because someone tonight still believes they’re better off dead than being gay“? (47:00)