
Responding to Pro-Choice Memes

June 22, 2022 • Tim Barnett, Alan Shlemon

1. Responding to Pro-Choice Memes (00:00)
2. Life begins at first breath. (14:00)
3. You can only ban safe abortions. (25:00)
4. An acorn is only a potential tree, so a fetus is only a potential human. (29:00)
5. You can freeze an embryo but not a baby because an embryo isn’t alive. (35:00)
6. Would you save one newborn or five frozen embryos? (39:00)
7. A person who doesn’t have brain activity is legally dead, so a heartbeat doesn’t mean the embryo is alive. (46:00)
8. Meme: If you think abortion is wrong, don’t get an abortion. (52:00)