
Is a Second Marriage as Illegitimate as a Same-Sex Marriage?

May 22, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Is a second marriage for a Christian as illegitimate as a same-sex marriage? (04:00)

Should we not attend funeral masses where we disagree with what’s happening in the service? (21:00)

How would you respond to an atheist who says our feelings of morality are just evolved tribal protectiveness? (34:00)

Are Science and Faith Compatible?

June 14, 2024 • Tim Barnett

What is faith? (05:00) What is science? (13:00) How do we explain the existence of functional proteins? (32:00) The chirality problem for naturalists (37:00) The bonding problem for naturalists (40:00) The sequence problem for naturalists (45:00)

Don’t Participate in Pagan Ceremonies

June 12, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Should Christians be participating in “smudging ceremonies” to release our bad energies (as we were asked to do in a pastor’s training session), and how should we be reaching out to indigenous people in places like Canada? (03:00) If apparent contradictions offer evidence of authentic eyewitness accounts, is there a level of contradiction that would hurt the case, like Matthew 8 contradicting Mark 5 in the number of demoniacs helped by Jesus? (37:00)

People No Longer Know What the ”Final Solution” Was

June 7, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: People no longer know what the “Final Solution” was. (00:00) Do you have any advice for questions I can ask my atheist brother who’s extremely moral? (17:00) How should I respond to someone who says they have a message for me from God? (41:00)