
Weekly Broadcast

Don’t Give Your Kid a Smartphone

June 21, 2024 • Jonathan Noyes

Commentary: Don’t give your kid a smartphone. (00:00) Why do you think God chose to redeem human beings when he didn’t need to? (27:00) Do we still have a responsibility to preach the gospel to all nations, and was it wrong for the missionary who was recently killed along with his wife in Haiti to have brought her with him to a dangerous place? (26:00) Commentary: More on how smartphones affect mental health and other societal problems (48:00)

Action Beats Intention

June 19, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: Action beats intention. (00:00) If you were in my situation, how would you advance the truth of Christianity with your unbelieving wife? (12:00) Does Paul indicate that withholding sex from your spouse is a sexual sin that could be grounds for divorce? (31:00)

Are Science and Faith Compatible?

June 14, 2024 • Tim Barnett

What is faith? (05:00) What is science? (13:00) How do we explain the existence of functional proteins? (32:00) The chirality problem for naturalists (37:00) The bonding problem for naturalists (40:00) The sequence problem for naturalists (45:00)

Don’t Participate in Pagan Ceremonies

June 12, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Should Christians be participating in “smudging ceremonies” to release our bad energies (as we were asked to do in a pastor’s training session), and how should we be reaching out to indigenous people in places like Canada? (03:00) If apparent contradictions offer evidence of authentic eyewitness accounts, is there a level of contradiction that would hurt the case, like Matthew 8 contradicting Mark 5 in the number of demoniacs helped by Jesus? (37:00)

People No Longer Know What the ”Final Solution” Was

June 7, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: People no longer know what the “Final Solution” was. (00:00) Do you have any advice for questions I can ask my atheist brother who’s extremely moral? (17:00) How should I respond to someone who says they have a message for me from God? (41:00)

What to Say to a Consistent Moral Relativist

June 5, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: Greg talks to Frank Turek about the upcoming CrossExamined Instructor Academy. (00:00) How should I talk to someone who is consistent about denying objective morality? (18:00) Does the fact that I haven’t suffered any persecution say anything about my Christianity? (27:00) Where in the Bible does it say you can’t lose your salvation? (47:00)

How Many Ancient Copies of the Quran Exist?

May 31, 2024 • Alan Shlemon

Do you know how many ancient copies of the Quran exist? (01:00) How would you advise an intersex person who fears their parents may have chosen the wrong sex for them and is worried about unintentionally entering into a homosexual relationship? (25:00) Is the law in Deuteronomy 13:6–10 about putting apostates to death the same as the law of apostasy in Islam? (36:00) How should we respond to sports teams, coffee shops, etc. during Pride Month? (51:00)

How Can Anyone Have Assurance of Salvation?

May 29, 2024 • Greg Koukl

In light of Jeremiah 17:9 and Matthew 7:21–23, how can anyone have assurance of salvation? (04:00) Would God require someone with a phobia of water to get baptized by full immersion, or is sprinkling on the head enough? (44:00) If the devil told God he was sorry and did kind things, would he go back to Heaven or stay in Hell? (50:00)

How Jesus Practiced Apologetics

May 24, 2024 • Tim Barnett, Robby Lashua

Commentary: How Jesus practiced apologetics (05:00) What does Sam Harris mean when he says the Gospels contradict each other on which day Jesus was crucified, and how would you respond? (28:00) What do you do when someone asks you a question you don’t know the answer to? (49:00) Is psychiatry against God? (51:00)

Is a Second Marriage as Illegitimate as a Same-Sex Marriage?

May 22, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Is a second marriage for a Christian as illegitimate as a same-sex marriage? (04:00) Should we not attend funeral masses where we disagree with what’s happening in the service? (21:00) How would you respond to an atheist who says our feelings of morality are just evolved tribal protectiveness? (34:00)

A Mission Trip to New Agers

May 17, 2024 • Robby Lashua

Commentary: A mission trip to New Agers (00:00) How is 2 Corinthians 10:5 to be applied within a group of Christians? (19:00) How does apologetics help us escape from sins that have a grip on us? (29:00) What are your thoughts on public school versus Catholic school? (34:00) Do you think Jesus had a pet? (44:00) Does Jesus love us more than the Father does? (49:00)

Interview: Titus Kennedy – The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands

May 15, 2024 • Robby Lashua

Interview: Titus Kennedy, author of The Essential Archaeological Guide to Bible Lands (00:00)

We Were Enemies of God

May 10, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: We were enemies of God. (00:00) Can you suggest a few questions to help determine the theology of a guest pastor who will be speaking at our youth retreat and is possibly progressive? (23:00) If Christianity truly is the fulfillment of covenantal Judaism, then why don’t all Christians embrace truly Jewish traditions? (40:00)

Jesus Revolution and the Jesus Movement

May 8, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: Jesus Revolution and the Jesus Movement (00:00) What are some good questions I can ask an agnostic friend? (25:00) Why would you say Jesus was saving us from the Father rather than from our sin, as if the Father were our enemy? (36:00)

What Should I Say to Someone Who’s Apathetic?

May 3, 2024 • Greg Koukl

Commentary: What should I say to someone who’s apathetic? (00:00) Even if we have several rotating preaching pastors, should we still have a lead pastor guiding the church? (20:00) Why didn’t you include Jesus’ words in Matthew 27:46, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” in your Solid Ground on the atonement? (28:00) How should I respond to a Mormon who challenges the Trinity by claiming it’s an extra-biblical concept created by the Council of Nicea and by asking who Jesus was praying to if he’s God? (38:00)