
First Steps on the Adventure

May 14, 2017

May 14, 2017 • Matt Garvin

As we begin a new sermon series, this week, “stepping into your story”. Pastor Matt will be exploring what it means to step into the adventure that Jesus has uniquely marked out for each one of us.

Sermon of the Week: Why Baptism Matters

June 25, 2017 • Jeremy Peters

There is perhaps no other symbolic act that more powerfully reflects the reality of a new chapter, of new life, than that of baptism. Why is that? What is baptism and why does it matter? Why is it so important in the life of an apprentice of Jesus?

Your Story is Not Your Own

June 18, 2017 • Matt Garvin

As our Stepping into your Story series draws to an end Pastor Matt will preach about what it means to trust that our story is in God’s hands, even when it doesn’t make sense to us. As part of his final message Matt will be reflecting on his own journey and sharing what he has learned through Serving at St. Albert Alliance that has prepared him for the next step on his journey.

Coaches – Champions – Mentors! What about YOU?

June 11, 2017 • Wendy Thomas

If you have experienced the encouragement from another when you felt so undeserving… If you have been cheered on when you felt more like giving up… If you have had someone take the time to listen to your dreams and goals with care and support …then you have been blessed! And if you are the reasons others have experienced such encouragement and support, you have been a blessing. This Sunday Pastor Wendy will share what happens to a man by the name of Saul, when he connects with a guy named Barnabas. The investment that Barnabas makes in Saul’s life had eternal dividends.