
Is Christianity Narrow-Minded?

June 17, 2018

June 17, 2018 • Jeremy Peters

As we continue our study of Jesus’ most provocative teaching found in the Sermon on the Mount, this week we’ll be considering what is one of the most troubling passages for many people in our day. In Matthew 7:12-14, Jesus talks about the ‘narrow gate that only a few find.’ The deep concern that a lot of thoughtful people have about Christianity is that it calls certain beliefs wrong and calls certain behaviours immoral and therefore the concern is that it impinges upon human freedom by telling people what they must think and how they must live. How are we to understand Jesus’ claims and what should our response be?
A portion of this sermon is by John Ortberg and is used with permission of Menlo Church. Find the full sermon video click here: http://vpodcast.menlo.church/e/deconstruction-is-christianity-narrow-minded-john-ortberg-1523219551/

Foundation for Living

July 1, 2018 • Jeremy Peters

This week we conclude our study on the greatest talk ever given, the Sermon on the Mount, in our Jesus Manifesto series. In Jesus’ final words to us, he makes two statements: 1) Everyone builds a life, and 2) Everyone faces a storm. The question is, when the storms of life inevitably come, what foundation will you have built your life upon? Join us on Sunday as we consider the call of Jesus to listen to, trust and obey Him as His apprentices and to build our lives on Him, the solid rock!

True or False

June 24, 2018 • Mike Sotski

True or false? How is a person to know the difference? In a time that the words "fake news" gets thrown around, it is hard to know where to look or how to discern truth from fiction. This week as we continue our Jesus Manifesto series we are going to look at what Jesus had to say about how we can tell the difference between the two.

Ask for Anything?

June 10, 2018 • Mike Sotski

Ask for anything? Have you ever asked for something and never got what you wanted? Has that diminished your hope, caused you to wonder if you would ever get what you hoped for? Join us this Sunday as we look at what Jesus has to say about asking and the response we can expect from him.