
Week 1

April 7, 2024

In my sermon, I began by addressing the foundational aspect of family as depicted in the Bible, starting with creation in Genesis. I emphasized the significance of the family unit, which is central to God's plan, and how the enemy targets this foundation to cause disruption in society. I highlighted the importance of understanding God's original intent for the family to navigate the complexities of modern family dynamics.

I then moved on to discuss the importance of marriage as God's answer to Adam's solitude, underscoring that marriage is not just a social construct but a divine institution designed for companionship and help. I pointed out that before Eve was created, Adam had a job and a relationship with God, establishing the principle that individual wholeness and responsibility precede a healthy marital relationship.

I shared insights on the anointing of helps within marriage, explaining that a spouse is not just a partner but a divinely appointed helper to complement one's life. I stressed the importance of recognizing and respecting this help, whether it comes from a husband or a wife. I also touched on the power of agreement in marriage, where unity amplifies spiritual authority and effectiveness in prayer.

I addressed the men in the congregation, urging them to cherish and honor their wives, not as objects but as precious gifts from God. I reminded them of their responsibility to cover and care for their families, assuring them that when they take care of their help, their help will take care of them.

I concluded the sermon by inviting individuals and families to commit their lives to Christ, emphasizing the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus as the foundation for any life transformation, including the restoration of family relationships.