
June 16th

Happy Father's Day to all the dads!

Today, we continue our "One Hit Wonder" series, focusing on individuals in the Bible who appear briefly but make a significant impact. Our biblical one-hit wonder today is the demon-possessed man from Mark 5:1-20. Jesus and His disciples arrive at the Gerasenes, where a demon-possessed man confronts them. This man, tormented by a legion of demons, lived among the tombs, unable to be restrained by any human means. When he encounters Jesus, the demons within him bow down, recognizing Jesus' authority. Jesus commands the demons to leave the man, and they enter a herd of pigs, which then drown in the sea.

This story illustrates the immense power of Jesus over evil forces and the transformative impact of His presence. The man, once tormented, is found sitting in his right mind, fully restored. However, the townspeople, fearful of the supernatural change, ask Jesus to leave. The man, now delivered, wishes to follow Jesus, but Jesus instructs him to stay and testify about the mercy and power of God.

The key message is about breaking the huddle and running the play. Just as in football, where the huddle is a place to receive instructions but not to stay, Christians must take their faith and put it into action. Faith without works is dead. We are called to move beyond the comfort of our spiritual huddles and actively engage in the mission God has set before us. This involves sharing our testimonies, helping others, and living out our faith in tangible ways.