
Sunday, June 9th

Today, we explored the profound message of not looking back and trusting in God's plan for our future. Drawing from Psalm 139, we were reminded that God knew us even before we were born and has been with us through every moment of our lives. This foundational truth set the stage for our main scripture from Genesis 19, the story of Lot's wife. God decided to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to their overwhelming sin, but He showed mercy to Lot and his family, instructing them to flee without looking back. Despite the clear command, Lot's wife looked back and turned into a pillar of salt, symbolizing the danger of clinging to the past.

We delved into the reasons why she might have looked back, acknowledging both the innocence of longing for her home and the rebellion of disobeying God's command. This act serves as a powerful lesson about the importance of surrendering our past to embrace the future God has for us. Salt, in biblical times, symbolized new beginnings and separation from the past, reinforcing the idea that sometimes we must let go of what we love to step into God's new blessings.

We also discussed how looking back can be destructive, turning our past into a prison that prevents us from moving forward. Jesus emphasized this in Luke 17:32-33, warning that clinging to our life will cause us to lose it, but letting go will save it. This principle applies to both our personal lives and our church community. Whether it's longing for the "good old days" or being stuck in past mistakes, we must focus on the present and the future God has for us.

In conclusion, we were encouraged to embrace the new things God is doing in our lives, trusting that what lies ahead is far better than what we leave behind. This message is a call to action, urging us to stop looking back and to fully commit to the path God has set before us.