We are in the sermon series titled, “Thy Kingdom Come” taking a deeper look at the scripture, commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer or the disciples’ prayer, and how this prayer shapes the believer's life. We hope to be saturated with this prayer so that it becomes our new prayer for a new year with fresh winds from the Spirit that fills us. In this message, we will focus on the fifth element of the Prayer: “forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” found in Matthew 6:12. Forgiveness is a universal need sorely lacking in our world today. Our lives are much diminished without forgiveness. Forgiveness is a manifestation of the Kingdom of God coming into our midst. This Kingdom of God manifests when we ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness to others. These words are simple to say but elusive to live out.
Thy Kingdom Come: Forgive Us As We Forgive
January 22, 2023 • Minister Douglas Ericsson • Matthew 6:12
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Thy Kingdom Come