
Thy Kingdom Come: Give us this Day our Daily Bread

Saturday Oasis Service

January 15, 2023 • Tracy Perrlliat • Matthew 6:11

Due to technical difficulties. The Sunday worship service is not available, but we invite you to enjoy our Saturday Oasis Experience.

Thy Kingdom Come: Lead Us Not Into Temptation but Deliver Us

January 29, 2023 • Minister Philip Thompson • Matthew 6:12

We are in the sermon series titled, “Thy Kingdom Come” taking a deeper look at the scripture, commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer or the disciples’ prayer, and how this prayer shapes the life of the believer. We hope to be saturated with this prayer so that it becomes our new prayer for a new year in the light of our life experiences and God’s activity in our life. In this message, we will focus on the sixth (lead us) and seventh (deliver us) elements of the Lord’s Prayer: “And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil” found in Matthew 6:13.

Thy Kingdom Come: Forgive Us As We Forgive

January 22, 2023 • Minister Douglas Ericsson • Matthew 6:12

We are in the sermon series titled, “Thy Kingdom Come” taking a deeper look at the scripture, commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer or the disciples’ prayer, and how this prayer shapes the believer's life. We hope to be saturated with this prayer so that it becomes our new prayer for a new year with fresh winds from the Spirit that fills us. In this message, we will focus on the fifth element of the Prayer: “forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” found in Matthew 6:12. Forgiveness is a universal need sorely lacking in our world today. Our lives are much diminished without forgiveness. Forgiveness is a manifestation of the Kingdom of God coming into our midst. This Kingdom of God manifests when we ask for forgiveness and give forgiveness to others. These words are simple to say but elusive to live out.

Thy Kingdom Come

January 8, 2023 • Pastor Tammy Long • Matthew 6:10

Last week we started our mini-series, “Thy Kingdom Come,” to look at the Lord’s Prayer with fresh eyes. The prayer Jesus taught us has been said, sung, and prayed by millions of people, over thousands of years, all around the world, in multiple languages, from various ethnicities, ages, and social circumstances. Let us look at the Lord’s Prayer with fresh eyes, as a new prayer for a new year. When we focus our hearts and minds on the words to pray the words, not just say them, the Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer we can say verbatim. The Lord’s Prayer is a powerful and encompassing prayer that covers everything we want to share with God through prayer: honoring and affirming God’s holiness, sharing our personal needs, and remembering the needs of others. We can focus with our entire beings of body, mind, and spirit, with the spiritual practice of body prayer. You are invited to view the video of this message on our church website for the particulars of this body prayer. In this message, we focus on two related petitions Jesus teaches us to pray in Matthew 6:10: For God’s Kingdom to come, and For God’s Will to be done on earth as it is in heaven.