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Forgiveness is one of the most important things in the life of a Christian. We have to learn HOW to forgive and WHY it is so important. Let's look at the life of Joseph.
Joseph had a huge opportunity. The brothers who rejected him and sold him into slavery were now standing before him. He had the power to punish them for the rest of their lives or even order them to be killed. Instead, Joseph chose to forgive his brothers for the wrong they had committed against him. He even went a step further and blessed them and their entire families. It was not an easy decision, but Joseph did what was right.
In this lesson, the children will discover that forgiveness is never easy, but it is the plan God has for His people when they are wronged. After all, Jesus forgave those who hurt Him. It’s the least we can do to do the same.
Don't Carry A Grudge
January 20, 2024 • Pastor Tyler Loy
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Life can be tough when people hurt us or let us down, especially when it’s someone we care about a lot. Sometimes, saying, “I forgive you,” feels really hard.
But for people who follow Jesus, saying, “I forgive you,” isn’t just something nice to do; it’s something they must do. Jesus tells us to forgive others, not because they always deserve it, but because God has forgiven us for many things. We need to share the kindness we get from God with others.
Jesus said something really important about this - if we don’t forgive people, God won’t forgive us. In this lesson, kids will hear a story Jesus told called “The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.” It’s a story that teaches us to forgive others, no matter what they have done.
Sweet Revenge?
January 27, 2024 • Pastor Dawson Walthall
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We have all been done wrong by someone. Maybe we deserved it. Maybe we didn’t.
It’s the bully in grade school who picked on us. It’s the person on the other team who cheated us. It’s the best friend who turned their back on us. Many times, our desire is to make them hurt as much as they have hurt us.
To “pay them back” is not what God desires of us. We hurt ourselves more than we hurt them because revenge causes our relationship with God to suffer.
In this lesson, we will learn how to respond when someone does us wrong. Instead of seeking revenge, we must pray for them and forgive them. Jesus did.
Forgive Yourself
February 3, 2024 • Pastor Tyler Loy
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In this series, we have talked a lot about what to do when you need to forgive someone else. We understand that choosing to forgive others can be very difficult.
Sometimes, though, WE are the ones who have a hard time forgiving ourselves. We continually remind ourselves of the bad we have done, and we let it affect the way we see ourselves.
God does not want us to live our
lives full of guilt and condemnation. If we have confessed our sin, we must remember that it is no longer a part of us. It does not define us.
In this lesson, the children will learn from the story of Saul of Tarsus how past sins and mistakes do not have to define who we are. We can forgive ourselves and grow!
God Can Forgive You
February 10, 2024 • Pastor Tyler Loy
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In this series, we have talked a lot about what to do when you need to forgive someone else. We have also learned how to forgive ourselves.
In the path to forgiveness, however, there is a VERY important step we must take. We must admit we have done wrong and ask for forgiveness from God. Admitting you were wrong and that you need forgiveness can be a difficult thing for some people to do.
In this lesson, the children will learn from the story of the thief on the cross that no matter how much you have done and no matter how far from God you are, He is always ready and willing to forgive.
As you teach this lesson, pray that the Holy Spirit will draw children to God, convict them of their sins, and allow them to receive God’s amazing love and forgiveness.