
Don't Carry A Grudge

(Wacky Hair Day)

January 20, 2024 • Pastor Tyler Loy

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Life can be tough when people hurt us or let us down, especially when it’s someone we care about a lot. Sometimes, saying, “I forgive you,” feels really hard.


But for people who follow Jesus, saying, “I forgive you,” isn’t just something nice to do; it’s something they must do. Jesus tells us to forgive others, not because they always deserve it, but because God has forgiven us for many things. We need to share the kindness we get from God with others.


Jesus said something really important about this - if we don’t forgive people, God won’t forgive us. In this lesson, kids will hear a story Jesus told called “The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant.” It’s a story that teaches us to forgive others, no matter what they have done.

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