
The Good, The Bad, & The Ugly


September 2, 2023 • Ashton Kohler

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We tend to put people in categories. Some people we think are potential Christians. Others we label as “too far gone” and assume they will never give their lives to God. After all, they are just “too sinful.” We stop praying for them, witnessing to them, or even hoping for a change.

Many would have put the woman in today’s Bible Story in that category. In fact, Simon the Pharisee thought exactly that. But Jesus did not. When the woman came to pour perfume on Jesus and wipe His feet with her hair, Jesus welcomed her with open arms. Beyond that, He forgave her sins and changed her life.

In this lesson, the children will learn that no one is too bad or too far gone for God to forgive their sins. We should never give up on anyone. God doesn’t. 

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