

God Can Turn Our Sadness Into Joy!

December 2, 2023 • SLAM

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Hard times are just a part of life. Even kids face hard days and even hard seasons. It can be a time when a lot of small things add up to make them sad or frustrated, or it can be a time when they’re facing tough circumstances with their family or in school.


Depression is a very real thing and affects kids and adults. When we find ourselves in seasons of depression, we have to “Deal With It” in the right way.


In this lesson, the children will learn from the story of the Prodigal Son about a father who went through a time of deep sadness while his son was away and living in sin. However, his trouble didn’t last forever. In the end, God turned his sadness into joy! The children will learn in the lesson that God can turn their sadness into joy, too! They may face hard times, but with God’s help, they can discover joy!

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