
Women's Safety with deputy sheriff Bruce Belin

May 17, 2022 • Bruce Belin, Charisse Parton

TIPS TO HELP WOMEN AVOID BECOMING ANOTHER STATISTIC- EXPLORING THE REAL THREATS WE ALL FACE TODAY! Learn practical ways to avoid 90% of the dangers we all face in our daily lives!! Did you know that 15% of women have been stalked within their lifetime? Nearly 44% of them will experience some sort of sexual violence, and of those women, nearly HALF will be victimized by someone they know. These are sobering statistics, and today our guest is here to talk about what women today can do to stay safe.

Bruce Belin is currently a deputy sheriff with 40 + years of law enforcement experience in various departments and cities. He shares practical tips to help greatly reduce your risk of becoming the next victim and sound advice to help you stay safe the in numerous situations, we all can find ourselves in on a daily basis. Gather those you hold dear and tune in for today's episode of Return to Eden!!