
Let's Gooooo!

Acts 1:1-11

September 26, 2021 • Pastor Rob • Acts 1:1–11

One of the greatest things we can experience is the sense that we are doing exactly what God wants us to do. When we know and live his will there is freedom, joy, and purpose even in the midst of difficulty. It’s equally one of the worst things when we aren’t doing what God wants us to do. When we don’t know his purpose we’re lost, vulnerable to false visions for our lives, and susceptible to being drowned by the world’s drama. The same thing is true for the church. We’re living through a time when there is much drama in the world and many false visions for the church. But in the book of Acts we are given the exact mission Jesus appoints us to do and how he’ll empower us to do it. And when we live this out, there’s clarity, freedom, and joy to face anything. Seaside Fam, it’s time for a mission alignment. Our text and sermon this morning begins it!