
The Repentant Prophet

Passage: Jonah 3:1–3:10

September 27, 2015 • Pastor Marc Wragg

Jonah may not have liked the Ninevites, but he learned his lesson in the belly of the great fish. The disobedient prophet who ran from God had repented, and was now walking resolutely in His sovereign plan. Sometimes we judge our responsibility to obey God according to how we feel about His commands. While there is great joy in obedience to God, that joy will not be full until we actively surrender our will to His. Are you like Jonah, a true child of God, but one who is caught up in some sinful pattern? God will often use your sin to teach you dependence on Him, and to accomplish His perfect will. Our obligation is to quickly respond in trusting obedience, even in spite of our conflicted desires and fears. If we delay and allow ourselves to remain in a season of rebellion, we invite divine chastening. God is gracious and merciful to all who repent of their sin, from the straying believer to the hardened sinner. Don’t wait until your passions align with God’s will. Trust Him today.