
The Angry Prophet

Passage: Jonah 4:1–4:11

October 4, 2015 • Pastor Marc Wragg

Jonah’s lessons didn’t end in the belly of the fish. After warning Nineveh of God’s judgment, Jonah chose a spot east of the city to watch and wait, and here God exposed his foolishness and hardness of heart. The prophet demonstrated greater compassion for a plant than for thousands of Ninevite children, even preferring to die rather than see Nineveh repent and receive God’s grace. The ugly truth is that Jonah was angry at God for showing mercy to Israel's enemy. What goes on in your heart when God allows circumstances that you do not like? Like Jonah, do you become embittered, self-absorbed, and unconcerned about the greater plan of God going on around you? The only cure for this spiritual ill is brokenness, so that your zeal for the truth is tempered by love and concern for others. If you find your heart growing hard, remember God’s kindness and patience toward you. Be willing to suffer for the sake of His Kingdom and glory, and don’t presume to tell God how He should dispense His grace.