

Series Kickoff Sermon

June 16, 2019 • Sara Wolbrecht

Our summer series FORM!ING QUE?TIONS kicks off with our series trailers, some orienting information, a bit of Pastor Sara's story, and an eye-opening perspective on the Moses + Burning Bush text found in Exodus 3.


August 25, 2019 • Elizabeth Rawlings

We welcome guest speaker Elizabeth Rawlings - an ordained Lutheran Pastor who most recently served as the Executive Director and Pastor at The Sanctuary: a Lutheran and Episcopal Campus Ministry at the University of Washington. She has a story to tell and for our Forming Questions series, she brings the question: "What Are You Doing Here?"

WHAT IS GOD SAYING? - Lectio Divina

August 18, 2019 • Sara Wolbrecht

At Salt House, we have a core practice of Hearing God - capturing how we believe that there is holiness all around us, that a Jesus-centered life is one of paying attention and listening. One way we do this is through our regular practice of Lectio Divina - in worship on Sunday, we listen to a passage of scripture, hearing God, hearing connections to our lives and world now. It is that simple - as we build in us the practice of listening, as we learn how to love.


August 11, 2019 • Hyla Dobaj

We welcome Hyla Dobaj as she shares her story. This part two of a three-part series of messages over these summer months that invite us into deeper understanding of our core practice of engaging with the needs of homelessness in our region. Hyla has been around Salt House for a couple years and is part of the New Bethlehem Day Center family. She has been involved with the work of the Day Center on many levels, both as a former client and now as an advocate and volunteer! Thank you, Hyla, for sharing your story with us.