

Rise Up & Rebuild

Semper Reformanda

May 29, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 13

Semper Reformanda is a Latin term the Reformers used meaning "Always Reforming". In essence, since we have a church reformed in the externals of doctrine, worship, and government, let us always be working to ensure that our hearts and lives are being reformed by the Word and Spirit of God.

How to have Joy!

May 22, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 12

At the dedication of the wall in Nehemiah 12 it says: "And the joy of Jerusalem was heard far away.". What was the source of this joy, and how did they discover it?

An Extraordinary City Filled With Ordinary People

May 15, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 11

Jerusalem was reestablished; its walls were reconstructed, God's word reinstituted, and God's people recommitted. But, the city was greatly underpopulated to fulfill all that God had called it to do. In Nehemiah chapter 11 we see the plan of God in filling the city with a people for the purpose of God.

A Pledge of Planned Obedience

May 1, 2022 • Tim Harris • Nehemiah 9:38—10:39

How far does God want us to go in our pursuit of obedience to Him? Is the mere confession of sin enough? What do repentance and obedience look like?

How to Ask God for Help

April 24, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 9:1–37

In the valleys of life, we tend to call out to God for help. This is usually fueled by a desire to not have to face the consequences of our decisions and we often fail to reflect and truly learn from the reasons we were in the valley at all.

The Centrality of the Word of God

April 3, 2022 • Jerod Martin • Nehemiah 8

Have you ever thought about what is central to your life? When you really value something it impacts what you believe and how you live. In Nehemiah 8, we not only see how important the Word of God was for Israel but also how they responded to the Word of God.

The People Are the Project

March 27, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 7

Nehemiah has finally completed the wall, but the real work has just begun. The work of rebuilding was never going to end at the completion of structures, they were means to a greater end; the completion of a people.

Discernment in Opposition

March 20, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 6

God's purpose always brings opposition. One of the biggest oppositions we will face is the lies of the enemy that try to build fear into our hearts to get us to stop the work at hand. We have to use discernment to navigate through the opposition and see the work completed.

Godly Leadership

March 13, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 5

What are the distinct characteristics of a godly leader? What separates a godly leader from an ungodly one? In Nehemiah chapter 5, we see first-hand the example and model of godly leadership that we should be striving to see developed in our own lives.

Our God Fights for Us

March 6, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 4

Working to build up a vision means that eventually, you will face opposition. Whether that opposition is internal or external, it will try to get you to quit and give up on the vision. But we only need to remember these simple words in the face of opposition, "our God fights for us".

Many Hands Makes for Gospel Growth

February 27, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 3

In Nehemiah chapter 3 we get introduced to 32 verses of names. These names may seem unimportant at first glance, but each one represents a person or group of people who were committed to getting their hands dirty in the work of redemption. Each name represents people taking responsibility in seeing the glory of God and the good of his people be established in the city they call home.

Preparing to Rebuild

February 20, 2022 • Tim Harris • Nehemiah 2:9–20

How does one push through adversity and build a lasting legacy? Facing hostility and hardship, Nehemiah modeled resilience and visionary leadership. In doing so, he points us to the one who overcame all odds to build for us the heavenly Jerusalem.

Prayer Driven Purpose

February 13, 2022 • Jordan Boyd • Nehemiah 2:1–8

How does God's work get accomplished? Join us this Sunday as we look at how God accomplishes his work, through the prayer life of Nehemiah. We look forward to exploring how we can be a people who take redemptive action with prayer driven purpose.

Reliance & Responsibility

February 6, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 1

Nehemiah is a book about the rebuilding of the walls and gates of Jerusalem, but more than that, it is a book about a man who relied immensely upon God and bore the responsibility to see righteousness be reestablished among his people.