
The People Are the Project

Nehemiah 7:1-73

March 27, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 7

Nehemiah has finally completed the wall, but the real work has just begun. The work of rebuilding was never going to end at the completion of structures, they were means to a greater end; the completion of a people.

More from Nehemiah

Semper Reformanda

May 29, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 13

Semper Reformanda is a Latin term the Reformers used meaning "Always Reforming". In essence, since we have a church reformed in the externals of doctrine, worship, and government, let us always be working to ensure that our hearts and lives are being reformed by the Word and Spirit of God.

How to have Joy!

May 22, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 12

At the dedication of the wall in Nehemiah 12 it says: "And the joy of Jerusalem was heard far away.". What was the source of this joy, and how did they discover it?

An Extraordinary City Filled With Ordinary People

May 15, 2022 • Justin Rahmes • Nehemiah 11

Jerusalem was reestablished; its walls were reconstructed, God's word reinstituted, and God's people recommitted. But, the city was greatly underpopulated to fulfill all that God had called it to do. In Nehemiah chapter 11 we see the plan of God in filling the city with a people for the purpose of God.