
Why Live a Patterned Life?

April 7, 2024 • Pastor Jared Richey

We've kicked off our new series, "A Patterned Life" discussing what a patterned life is and is not, how it helps us resist chaos, and what Jesus truly means by his "yoke" being one that is light and meant to give us rest. Here are some questions to think about while you listen!

In Jesus' day, a "yoke" could be used to refer to something that helped a team of oxen pull their load, OR as something representing the teachings of a rabbi. What "yokes" are you living under right now? Are they bringing you rest? Are they bringing rest and joy to others around you?

Two enemies of our spiritual growth are entitlement and shame. Which do you tend to lean toward more often?

In what ways could your spiritual growth on your journey as a disciple of Jesus help others around you experience deeper joy through being around you?