
Generosity and Witness

June 2, 2024 • Pastor Jared Richey

Thank you for listening to Ridgeland Church! This week, Pastor Jared wrapped up our Patterned Life series by teaching us about Generosity and Witness, how they work together, and how they should play into our lives.

- If someone saw every part of your life right now from an outside perspective, including how you spend your money, time, energy, and resources, where would someone say your "treasure" is based on how you live your life? What is your life a living "witness" to?

- "The essence of sin is the disordering of love" - are there any areas of your life where you feel like your "loves" might be out of order?

- Our generosity toward others should naturally flow out of a grateful heart for the abundant generosity God has shown toward us. Where can you see God's abundant generosity and grace at work in your own life? If you feel led, make out a list!

- What is one way you can be generous to someone in your life this week?